Hot Tubs

Hot Tubs

Plastic hot tub

The hot tubs (or SPA) are historically being used for a longer period of time than people usually think. For the hundreds of years romans dedicated huge buildings for bathing procedures; most of them were heated rooms. People of various professions used to spend time bathing as it was a place for social gatherings and business meetings. Japanese gain the knowledge about the hygiene and the benefits of regular bathing quite early. They had small saunas, individual SPA – named “Ofuro”. Later, during the 1900s, SPA resorts became popular in the United States of America; it came as a fashion from Europe. Firstly, these resorts were situated near the natural hot streams, but later the water was heated artificially. SPA resorts used to attract wealthy people, who were enchanted by the stories about the magical healing qualities of these places and that it can heal arthritis and other illnesses.

These days, SPA (“Sanitas Per Aqua” in Latin means “health through water”) is being called modern resorts, medical clinics, health and beauty centers, mineral sources, hydrotherapy procedures, where water, bathing, swimming pools, and saunas are compiled with medical and beauty procedures. All of these places have the ability to heal some illnesses effectively and recover your body from fatigue. SPA – is the best choice if you are seeking relaxation and tranquility. Bathing in the hot tub has similar affect as spending time in sauna: it unclogs the skin pores, removes toxic substances from the body and the skin becomes brighter. During winter, bathing inside the hot tub has impact for your blood-vessels, it fastens the blood circulation and inside organs receive more oxygen. Also, it is a good prevention from the flu, cold and grippe.

A wonderful choice if you wish to create a romantic atmosphere. You can use the hot tub not only on the warm summer evening, but it is far more exotic procedure in winter – the water steams rising in the sky from the hot water, cold air and trees covered with snow – what could be better? Moreover, you can combine sauna and the hot tub together: after heated up in sauna, you could refresh and relax in the tub, or even try an ice hole.

Wooden hot tub

Hot Tub Types

Wooden hot tub
Wooden Hot Tubs
Plastic hot tub
Plastic Hot Tubs